Capri and Anacapri

Capri is an island located south of the Gulf of Naples, which includes two factions: Capri and Anacapri. The island is notorious for its extraordinary natural beauty, including the iconic Faraglioni, sea caves and breathtaking views.
The two centers have many things in common but also precise characteristics that make them very different from each other.
Capri is a magical island that everyone should visit at least once in their life. It is also suitable for anyone as the numerous attractions that allow a stay for both young people and adults.
Capri is the most fashionable side of the island, characterized by its windows of elegant boutiques, luxurious yachts, nightclubs and the famous Piazzetta, meeting place for the whole island. In addition to the glittering shop windows and trendy clubs, Capri is home to many other unmissable attractions such as the panoramic Gardens of Augustus, the Certosa di San Giacomo and the ruins of Villa Jovis.
Anacapri is the small municipality that occupies the upper part of the island. It rises on the slopes of Monte Solaro, which offers amazing views. Compared to Capri, in Anacapri you can enjoy a more intimate and reserved atmosphere and it is precisely here that it is possible to try the best restaurants and craft shops: leather sandals, textiles, ceramics, corals etc
Finally, on Capri, you can admire one of the symbols that has made the island famous throughout the world, the Faraglioni. The best way to enjoy them? With our boat tour and champagne with bubbles!